
As seasoned sales professionals, we understand that Q1 marks the commencement of the financial year, bringing new targets and forecasts into focus.

Upon analysing factors contributing to sales performance falling behind targets, we identified a common theme: a lack of qualified leads and under-performing sales teams. In response, we crafted a program to address both challenges, and Q1 was born. Though the name implies a new start in the first quarter, the program can kick off at any time, aiming to rejuvenate and refocus sales efforts.

Q1, is our comprehensive prospect development program. It involves working closely with existing sales teams and their management and simultaneously hones specific sales skills through real-life scenarios.

The program is designed to deliver:

  1. New Prospect Generation:   Resulting in increased revenue.
  2. Rejuvenation of Sales Teams:   Focused on the specific requirements of your customers.
  3. Full Sales Leadership Involvement:   Allowing for individual assessment and the creation of personalized development plans.

We firmly believe that Q1 is a valuable asset to any sales team and, more importantly, has the potential to become self-funding by generating increased revenues.

It’s not just a program; it’s a strategic boost for sustained sales success.